Gerard Batten is one of the preeminent figures of UKIP party, which recently asked the British Muslims to sign a code of conduct. According to
Month: May 2014
Belfast Police Investigating Loyalists and Paramilitaries Organizations
Belfast police investigates the possibility of paramilitaries loyalist’s organizations to be involved into racial crimes. The story is more interesting, because the organizations accused of
Alarming Youth Unemployment Help Startups
The increasing rate of unemployment in the UK is not a surprise anymore. The generations that graduated college from 2009 to 2014 were not the
Guards Found Guilty of Cannabis Traffic in Jail
Brixton Prison is one of the most famous prisons in the United Kingdom, not because some famous convicted thief stays there, but because the name
Three Generations of a Family Killed by Fire in Sheffield
A faulty charger might be the cause of a ravaging fire, which destroyed the destiny of an entire family. The entire community is shocked. Thousands
Ozzy Osbourne Invaded By Bats
Ozzy Osbourne is known for his eccentricities, being known as the Prince of Darkness for his prodigious activity. Lately, he decided to take care of
The Islamic Group Boko Haram Threatens UK Again
The extremist Islamic group Boko Haram, active in
The Most Expensive Contamination
Cocaine is so consumed lately in Great Britain, were it discovered traces of drug in the potable water, according to a recent report. The
Britain Has No Intention of Limiting the Labour Market for Immigrants
Great Britain does not want to put barriers for the EU immigrants that want to work in the Albion, despite the controversies connected with
Scotland to Be Independent? What Would Happen Next?
The boss of the London administration has not intention to resign if the September referendum will lead to the separation of Scotland from Great Britain,
The Perfect Woman has the Eyes of Kim Kardashian and the Shiny Hair of the Cambridge Duchess
Five celebrities from USA and Great Britain, including Kim Kardashian and the Cambridge Duchess, Catherine, have some of the most attractive facial characteristics. Those were
A New Second League?
The management of the Football Federation in England proposed the founding of a new league, in which the Premier League Young Teams would be accepted.
Luis Suarez, the Best Player in England
Luis Suarez prepares for what could be one of the most important years of his life. Besides the road to World Cup, he had a
Any Driver Should Know Those Tricks
The daily drivers should definitely know this. It is possible to save more than 1000 Euro by knowing some tricks. Ford Motor said it once,
The “Atlántida of the North”, the Land That Sunk 8000 Years Ago
Doggerland, a place situated n the Northern Sea, was sunk after a tsunami, more than 8200 years ago. It is named the Atlántida of the
British Happiness Still “Average”
The percentage of happiness is an interesting indicator, calculated by several universities. The indicator is calculated including a large number of factors, from the average
Fairies Photographed For The First Time?
A university teacher from UK claims that he took the picture of fairies. The 53 years lector, ex member of the punk formation The Three
Extremists Gain Political Capital in England
With less than one month before the Euro Parliament Elections, and with one year before the general elections in the United Kingdom, the extremist party
Luxury Destinations with Empty Pockets. What is Exchange Tourism or Couch Hiking?
Do you want to see the world, but you don’t have too much money? Well, you can do that, and the couch surfers know this
The Electronic Cigarette Should Be Forbidden in Public Places?
There are more and more people using the electronic cigarette, and more spaces in which traditional smoking is forbidden. The electronic cigarette users are proud