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Otter Ice Lollies

What better treat is there on a hot Easter day than a refreshing ice lolly?

Which is exactly what staff at the National SEA LIFE Centre in Birmingham have done for their otters!

The Asian short clawed otters – Apricot, Kiwi & Mango have been given specially made fish lollies to help keep them cool in the hot sun!

As well as providing an amusing spectacle for visitors to the Sea Life Centre there is a serious side to the fishy treats.

“Otters are intelligent creatures and they respond well to being given different things to play with,” said Aquarist Lee Morgan.

“We are always looking for different ideas to help keep them stimulated and to improve their environment. This also links in with our Environmental Enrichment Programme which we have set up with the otters.”

The lollies have been made by the SEA LIFE aquarist and were made by freezing fish on a stick.

“They can’t get enough of them, they look so funny lying in the sun holding the stick in their paws and licking the lolly!” added Lee.

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