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What is Eyebrow Microblading?

Microblading is the lately popular, manual method of drawing permanent eyebrows and it creates an extremely fine natural look. Perfectly natural looking, thick, full eyebrows. This semi permanent eyebrow enhancing method was created by a serbian artist by the name of Branko Babic. His method is the most used method in Europe and the UK, it’s called PhiBrows. Microblading is the process of using a small scalpel with multiple blades on top, which are then dipped into color pigments before making the individual, tiny cuts inside the eyebrows. The pigments aren’t applied deep into the skin as with a conventional permanent tattoo, so this method is deemed semi-permanent. It lasts around 2-3 years, depending on skin type and how microblading was applied. No matter how the microblading was applied, your treatment should include a follow-up appointment in the following weeks. You should consider arranging the second session to correct and intensify your brows, about 4 weeks after the first session.

Depending on your skin type and care, the pigments will fade slowly over 18-24 months. It’s a duration that’s long enough for you to forget about your eyebrows, yet short enough to make changes according to your age and style. The microblading service can be a little uncomfortable for those who have sensitive skin. However, there is an option to apply anesthetic before the operation to keep this to a minimum to where it is completely tolerable. The artist will choose needles and the blade type according to desired brow model and the skin type. The pigments are bladed just below the epidermis into the thinnest part of the dermis for extremely natural looking hair strokes. If you need free consultation on microblading your eyebrows get in touch with Bristol microblading.


Is there anything I need to do to prepare for Microblading?

Is there any after-care procedure for Microblading?

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