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Why Setting Up an Online Donation Page is Now Easier than Ever

In spite of increased regulations, setting up an online donation page for domestic consumers in the United Kingdom is easier than ever. Webmasters can add a widget to an existing site and collect donations from people through England, Scotland and Wales without violating any local regulations.

More stable technology has made it easier to add donation widgets to nearly any existing site. As a result, more people are starting to do it than ever before. In the process, they’re raising more money than they ever thought possible.

Adding a Donation Page to an Existing Site

An upstart technology widget called Donorbox has helped many people add a donation page to their sites with only a bare minimum of code. They’ve been able to simplify the process to the point that anyone with a bare minimum of web design experience can add one.

Best of all, this can be attached to any existing site regardless of whether it uses WordPress or another open-source blogging platform. Administrators can even add links to sites that are completely coded by hand.

An increased focus on simple email marketing has also helped to increase visibility of nearly everyone asking for donations.

Organisations Use Email and SEO Marketing to Attract Donors

Customer relationship management systems have helped to ensure that people are able to keep properly segment their list when looking for donations. At one point, administrators had to hire entire staffs who were simply dedicated to this task. Considering that they normally have to be compensated for this task, it’s been hard for people who want to request contributions to their own blogs to ever collect and segment user data.

End-users are now able to collect and process contact data in a professional fashion with tools like Mailchimp and Constant Contact. This makes it easy for even the most underfunded operations to target those who are most likely to donate money to a particular cause. In fact, some users have been able to turn profits on creative endeavours as a result of targeting specific interested parties.

Perhaps most importantly, it’s become easier than ever to select a competitive domain name that drives traffic to one’s charity.

Expanding Your Reach Through Proper Domain Adoption

If you’ve spent any time using a traditional web browser on your mobile device, then you’ve probably come across plenty of pages that use the .ie top-level domain. Technically, this domain refers to the Republic of Ireland, but it’s available for registry throughout the island. If you’re operating a charity within Northern Ireland, then the University College Dublin may allow you to register one of these domains to expand your reach.

Don’t forget that there are special geographical domains that can get you noticed as well. For instance, .cymru is an eye-catching domain for anyone who plans on running a charity that’s specific to the country of Wales. This is especially true if you plan on providing a Welsh language-specific portal or run any sort of cultural charity. Those who plan on targeting Scottish locales might likewise consider a .scot domain to draw attention to the fact.

In either case, geographical targeting is bound to help showcase your organisation and attract local donors as well as those who have worthy causes to support right in your area.

In most cases, all it takes to start collecting money from visitors to a new site is a couple of clicks. This has made it possible for many home users to start collecting and growing their own local operations.

Smaller Groups Come into their Own Due to Donation Ease

Smaller groups have often had to rely on innovative techniques to cut costs, but once they have everything under control they’re normally able to support themselves merely on donations. In turn, this has made developers take a second look at donation widgets. The idea is that if they’re so simple to deploy, further simplifications might help to continue to increase their popularity.

This technique seems to be paying off. Some charity shops have noticed a sharp increase in donations. A few have even received goods and services in addition to cash.

The proliferation of mobile browsers have made things even easier. Users can simply post a single article on a blog with a hyperlink pointing to a donation request. Potential donors can then load this kind of content up on any device and give money with just a few gestures.

Developers are doubtlessly paying close attention to these trends. They’ll integrate many features based on them in future versions of their donation widgets.

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