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Plus Size or Curve Modelling – From a Forgotten Niche to a Global Trend

Plus size modelling and curve modelling has become a new niche in the industry. It is an attempt to be more ‘body-positive for people of all sizes, especially women. There has been remarkable growth in the field that plus-size and curve modelling has turned into a natural part of the modelling industry. Magazines like Victoria’s secret also take things to the next level with their plus-size models that are no less charming than a voluptuous or standard fashion model. 

A Forgotten Niche 

There isn’t a doubt that plus-size modelling was once a thriving industry in older times. The superficial standards for modelling have arrived in the late 80s to 2000s. It didn’t exist before that. There were models of all kinds, and even in some countries, plus-sized women and men were considered charming and attractive.

Although the new standards sunk the ship, it seems like it has become possible to become a plus size model in the UK again. But, more importantly, it is turning into a global trend.

Diving Deeper Into Plus Size Modelling

Many new terms are associated with plus-size modellings like extended size, large size, full-figure, or curve modelling. It is where primarily women are empowered to accept themselves as they are. Even if they have excessive body proportions, it has become a new norm.

At first, it was limited to having a bigger bust or hourglass and thunder thighs (thighs that are bigger than average). However, over time, it has become acceptable for overweight individuals or those who can’t control their body proportions due to some underlying conditions to model.

If you’re seeking to become a plus-size model, you can land jobs like:

Even the high-end fashion industry and sports industry has started acknowledging plus-sized modelling and curved modelling. In addition, you can see several women influencers on social media that have grown their following as plus-sized models. Therefore, it has become easier to get into this specific field. 

Yes, even on the ramp walk or runway, to high-end gowns and dresses, plus-size modelling and curve modelling has become a pretty standard requirement. You can become a plus-size model, as well. 

Are There Any Physical Requirements or Limitations? 

There are some size expectations to become a plus-size model. To be precise, you have to be bigger or have measurements higher than a typical model requirement. For example, size 12 and higher are acceptable. For curve models, body proportions still play a vital role. While it isn’t conventional, you still need to take care of your body and stay fit. Even big women can be beautiful and healthy. 

For proportions, your waist has to be around 10 inches less than the hip portion. However, recent diversity moves have made it possible for any female to enter the field. So while there were the typical 5’9 ft to 6ft height requirements, it is much relaxed now.

However, if we forget about the physical requirements, here are some aspects that matter:

How to Become a Plus-Size Model? 

Apart from the requirements mentioned above, there isn’t anything else you need to know. However, following some phenomenal plus-sized models and curve models could work very well in your favour. Try to learn from their experience, watch their interviews and much more.

Similarly, you can also check out platforms like New Idol Models that provide you with the right resources to become a plus-size model. You can get many gigs, among other things, if you give it a try. While it isn’t a modelling agency, you can get connected to several agencies looking for plus-size models. 

There has been significant growth in the plus-size modelling and curve modelling agencies around the world. New York, Paris and other fashion hubs are common examples. Some of these exist since the 1970s and still thrive as prestigious firms. You can apply there if you seek to become a professional plus-size model. 

Plus Size Modelling – A Global Trend 

If you remember, there was one trend regarding the thighs and their curves on Instagram. Since then, plus-sized models, Instagram influencers and many other personalities have become higher in demand than ever. Of course, these models don’t confine to the typical modelling requirements. However, they still manage to get gigs and accumulate a higher fan following.

In today’s digitally advanced world with progressive thinking, it is possible to become a plus-size model. All you need is the proper guidance and resources to thrive. 

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