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6 Things You Should Do to Keep Your eCommerce Website Secure

eCommerce has seen exponential growth over the years, and it’s worthwhile to run your business with it. However, due to its rising popularity, threats like hackers and ransomware have also increased on eCommerce websites. 

Having a secure website is one of the most crucial factors in the eCommerce industry today. Customers should feel safe to enter their personal details on your website. 

Due to this, many eCommerce businesses in Manchester hire an agency to create their website on secure platforms like Magento. However, businesses should take additional steps towards making their website more secure. 

To help you out, we’ve created a list of tips you can follow to make your eCommerce website safe from cyber threats. These tips may require you to spend some time and money, but the investment will be worth it. 

Let’s get started! 

1. Keep Your Website Up-to-Date 

Your website may have outdated software, and it could be fatal for your business. Many hackers tend to target computers and software that aren’t updated because it’s easier to exploit. 

To avoid this situation from taking place on your eCommerce website, we highly recommend conducting vulnerability assessments. After spotting these vulnerabilities, you must work towards fixing them. 

Many platforms and website software also release security patches to deal with cyber threats. You must ensure that your website has the latest patches on its platform because it makes it harder for hackers to break into your website. 

2. Backup Your Data

As a business, you must work on keeping a proper backup of your data and sensitive information. Storing everything on your eCommerce website could lead to massive losses if you face DDoS or ransomware attacks. 

We recommend keeping a backup of your data on different software to ensure better security and management. For instance, if you run a garage-based website, we recommend using garage management software to store your data. 

Having additional backups makes it easier for you to find necessary data and keep it secure. However, you should make sure your backup is properly secure and doesn’t face the issues like unauthorised access. 

3. Use Strong Passwords

Passwords are a crucial layer of your security and help to avoid any unauthorised access to your website. You must ensure that your passwords are strong and hard to guess for outsiders. 

We recommend using a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters while creating your passwords. It ensures that no one can gain access to your eCommerce website with random guesses. 

Additionally, you and your employees should update your passwords frequently. Threats can take place anytime, and regular password changes help to keep your website secure against these threats are minimal. 

4. Implement Security Measures Against DDoS Attacks

DDoS attacks can cause significant damage to your website by disrupting your eCommerce business. If your eCommerce website faces such an attack, it can cause a shutdown, making the website inaccessible to customers. 

To avoid these attacks, we recommend using software like Web Application Firewall or WAF on your website. This software can detect and block malicious traffic before it reaches your website. 

We highly recommend hiring a cyber security team to ensure you’re well-equipped to deal with threats like DDoS attacks. They can provide more effective to protect your website against these threats, keeping it secure. 

5. Implement Additional Authentication Factors

While it may feel like a hassle, additional authentication factors like 2FA bring additional security to your website. With additional authentication factors, hackers and attackers will have to gain access to your mobile device codes to get into your website. 

Due to this, authentication factors like 2FA ensure that you can protect your customers’ sensitive information from being stolen. Providing this option to your customer helps to build trust, making them less hesitant to enter their personal data into your phone. 

Overall, implementing additional authentication factors plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of your eCommerce website. It can help protect your data, comply with regulations, reduce fraud, and build trust with your customers. 

6. Monitor Your Website 

One of the best way to identify any security issues with your website is to monitor it frequently. It might help you find any underlying security issues before they become massive problems. 

Regular website monitoring can also help to detect security breaches in their initial stages. This includes noticing unauthorised access to your website and changes to your website files. With early detection, you can take action quickly to avoid further damage. 

You should also monitor your website’s performance to identify anything that could affect its security. For instance, having slow load times can indicate a potential security issue like a DDoS attack. 

Overall, it helps to quickly identify and address potential security issues. It also provides the benefit of ensuring your website is running smoothly and isn’t causing any issues. 

To Sum Up

In today’s digital space, eCommerce websites have become the main target of hackers and cybercriminals. Due to this, you must take proper steps to ensure your eCommerce website is safe from these threats. 

By following our tips, you should be able to protect your eCommerce website from cyber threats and security breaches. These steps may feel like a hassle, but protecting your website ensures everything runs smoothly and you don’t face any potential losses. 

It also helps to build trust with your customers, ensuring the long-term success of your eCommerce business. 

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