Wired backhaul: what is it & why do you need it?

Wired backhaul: what is it & why do you need it?

With the advent of awesome new technology comes confusing new terminology. One of such terms is “wired backhaul”. Don’t be concerned if you’ve never heard of it before – most people haven’t! Yes, it’s one of those new technologies that, whilst largely unknown to the public, are going to make a huge difference in how we experience telecommunications.

So, what is it exactly?

Wired backhaul is the infrastructure that connects base stations or access points to the Internet or core network. It operates as a connection between backend network infrastructure and access points. This allows for data transmission between the central network and user devices.

In Australia, this technology utilises premium fibre optics to provide high-speed connectivity to customer sites using the incredible 5GN infrastructure. It has various applications, including mobile networks where core network’s are connected to base stations through fibre optic cables.

Let’s take a further look at this awesome technology and how both Aussie businesses and individuals will benefit from its proliferation:

How does it work?

The most advanced wholesale backhaul services operate through establishing a physical infrastructural connection between the core network and network access points. These access points work to facilitate the connection between the network and connected users.

This technology is enlisted to ensure a stable connection. These access points then go on to be connected to the core network through premium fibre cables. The premium fibre cables operate as the data transmission carrier between the central network and the various access points.

When businesses or individuals connect to the network they communicate with the closest access point. This access point will receive information from a computer or mobile phone and deliver it to the core network. What’s more, information from the core network will be sent to the access points before being sent to other user devices.

How can businesses & individuals benefit from wireless backhaul?

Naturally, cutting-edge technology like this comes with numerous benefits for both businesses and individuals, including:

  • Top bandwidth: Wired solutions offer the highest bandwidth and a much better solution than their wireless counterparts. They allow for massive amounts of data transfer at lightning-paced speeds. This makes it perfect for both business and leisurely activities.
  • Forget latency: Wired solutions don’t have the same latency that wireless networks contain. This ensures that information can be rapidly delivered without delay. This makes it perfect for real-time needs like voice calls and video conferences.
  • Reliability: This network is far more reliable than its wireless counterpart. It is less susceptible to environmental problems and is far less likely to experience unwanted downtime. In an age where app and website downtime simply isn’t acceptable, you can trust this network to provide a reliable data transfer.
  • Security: It is incredibly difficult to intercept wired networks. Conversely, it can be a lot easier to intercept wireless networks, and this puts financial transactions and customer information at risk. For business owners looking for ultimate security then this is perfect. You can trust that wired networks are difficult to attack and will therefore protect your investment.

It’s the smartest option for Aussie Internet

Nothing beats this brand new technology when it comes to speed and reliability. Supporting premium fibre optics to create a winning Internet and telecommunications solution is just the start. This technology is already staking its claim as an imperative to future Aussie telecoms, and you can trust that your network would receive a massive boost from implementing it. Be sure to look out for premium fibre optics with this wired solution for the best in optimised telecommunications!

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