7 Tips And Tools That Will Help You Organise Your Digital Documents

7 Tips And Tools That Will Help You Organise Your Digital Documents

Digital documents have changed the way we work. They reduce time spent on routine tasks, free up storage space, are searchable when needed, and accessible from anywhere. But managing digital documents can be challenging in an organisation of any size. It is not easy to find relevant files when you need them. If you’re looking for tips and tools to organise your digital documents, this article covers everything you need to know.

Clearly Name All Files

One of the best ways to organise your digital documents is to name them clearly and consistently. You could give a document a date, a person’s name, or the project it relates to. Whatever descriptive information you include will help you find the document when you need it. The title should be an accurate reflection of what the document is and should not contain any irrelevant or misguiding information.

Consider Merging PDF Files

If you’re not sure where to start, consider merging your PDF files. This reduces the number of files you need to manage and provides an overview of all your documents in one place. Merging PDF files can be an excellent solution for your digital paperwork, as you can keep relevant documents together in one place as well as build packs for clients.

Standardise The Document Types You Use

One way to organise your digital documents is to standardise the document types you use. Standardising document types will make it easier for you to find what you need and creates a more consistent experience for everyone in your organisation. When you have consistency, the details are often clearer. For example, if your organisation is only working with Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, all of those files will be easy to find and find out when they were last saved by just typing in the file extension into the file search bar.

Make Space With ZIP Folders

ZIP folders are great for managing your documents. They allow you to compress your files so you can save disk space and keep control of the folder structure. When you’re zipping a folder, it will automatically add the date to the name, so you know when it was created. This is helpful, especially if you’re saving some old files that are not needed anymore.

Use Folder Nesting Systems

One of the most effective ways of organising digital documents is to create a folder nesting system. This is where you create folders within other folders with different labels. For example, all your files relating to marketing can be found in a folder labelled “Marketing,” which is then placed in a Marketing subfolder, which then goes into another subfolder called “Digital.” This system makes it easier for you to find and access the relevant file you need. You can also put labels on each folder based on what type of document it contains, such as “Financial” for files relating to finances or “Software” for software installation files.

Invest In Software To Help

There are many software options available to help your organisation organise its digital documents. The best one for you will depend on the size and complexity of your business. They come in a wide range of prices and features, so it’s important to consider which will work best for your needs. It is also easy to share files with colleagues or partners without losing control over the files. Some offer email synthesis, document scanning, and online collaboration tools so two people can work on the same document at the same time. 

Archive Old Files

Old files can take up a lot of space. When you have to search for an old file, it can be time-consuming and frustrating. To avoid this problem, archive old files that are not needed anymore. You should also keep your documents organised by using labels, folders, or keywords to categorise them. This will help you find what you need when you need it. You may even find that there are some files you don’t need anymore. Archive them by moving them off your main hard drive and onto an external one. Moving these files will make it so they won’t clutter up your computer but are easily accessed if they are needed in the future.


If you find yourself with a messy, disorganised, and unstructured digital filing system, it’s time to get organised. When you want to organise your digital documents, it’s important to remember that you’re not just saving files; you’re building a strategy. Knowing how to organise your digital documents will make it easier for you to find what you need when you need it. There is no one right way to organise your files, and every system has its pros and cons. You’ll need to consider what’s best for you, your team, and your workflow.

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