David Cameron gets an ASBO

DAVID Cameron has been handed an anti-social behaviour order and faces eviction after he put the “fear of God” into neighbours, used foul language and urinated in public.

But rather than the Prime Minister finding himself in the dock, this David Cameron is a walking stick-wielding 59-year-old from Northampton who shares his name.

He was issued with the interim ASBO at Northampton County Court.

Cameron and friends who visit his sheltered accommodation in Spring Boroughs, Northants, were accused of abusing neighbours in the local authority building and urinating in corridors.

Mr Cameron, whose political allegiances are unknown, told District Judge Ian Murdoch he intends to fight the application by Northampton Borough Council to repossess his home.

However, in the same week that his namesake was pictured enjoying a pint, he added: “I like a drink. I’ll hold my hands up to that.”

Handed the ASBO, he said he would now fight the application by Northampton Borough Council to evict.

Mohammed Rahman, for the council, said elderly neighbours had complained of people urinating on landings within the building and abusive language from Cameron.

He added: “They are put in the fear of God when Mr Cameron’s name is mentioned.”

When the borough council wrote to him over its intention to repossess the property, Cameron threatened a female housing officer, the court heard.

Mr Rahman added: “He made threats to cause injury to her – it was a threat to smack the housing officer in the face.”

The court heard Cameron was not legally represented in court having attended solicitors while “in drink”.

Mr Rahman told the judge: “I suspect he may have had a few today.”

District Judge Murdoch adjourned the eviction application for a full hearing later this year, but passed the interim ASBO.

It bans him from having an open vessel of alcohol, unless inside his home or on licensed premises, and from being abusive, or encouraging others to be, to members of the public and neighbours.

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