3 x Sustainable Products That Can Make A BIG Difference

3 x Sustainable Products That Can Make A BIG Difference

Switching up your lifestyle to make it a little more sustainable doesn’t have to mean sacrifice.

There are a variety of changes which you can make that can make a big difference to the impact on our planet, some you might even find are an improvement to what you had before.

The days when sustainability was seen as ‘uncool’ are long gone. We’re all realising (some of us admittedly slower than others) how much of an impact we have on our planet simply by just living day-to-day.

So, with that said, here are 3 sustainable products that can make a big difference without going to TOO much effort…

Reusable Shopping Bags

A classic. Gone are the days when we’d all stockpile free plastic bags and throw them in the bin, only for them to stick around for years and ruin the planet, washing up on beaches and destroying forests and wildlife.

This is still happening now, but MUCH less often. Nowadays, the reusable bag or ‘bag for life’ is becoming more and more popular. Which can only be good for the planet – less plastic = less pollution.

Try this funky number from Herd, you’ll be the talk of Tesco.

Bamboo home essentials

Bamboo is quickly becoming the ultimate sustainable replacement for paper-based products.

It grows super-fast, is naturally biodegradable and it’s farmed sustainably – there’s an abundance of it in the mountains of China, where brands like Cheeky Panda farm theirs.

By using bamboo toilet rolls instead of bog-standard paper tissue, you’re helping to reduce deforestation and your carbon footprint – Cheeky Panda offsets their carbon emissions by donating to World Land Trust.

Plus, bamboo tissues are naturally soft and skin friendly, so you AND your bum can feel good about yourself!

Reusable Coffee Cups

According to The Guardian, Britain gets through 2.5 billion paper coffee cups a year. That’s an eco-disaster.

All of those lovely trees chopped down just so we can drink out of them once and throw them away? Factor in the (usually) plastic lid and they’re a nightmare for the eco-conscious.

Even with brands trying to make their cups more sustainable, from sustainable materials, they’re still only used once and thrown away. This, as you can imagine, is rather unsustainable.

The best way to ensure your morning coffee doesn’t impact the planet is by investing in a reusable coffee cup. They can be taken in to your fave café, filled up then washed to be used again. No more adding to the landfill.

These are just three examples of ways which you can switch up your lifestyle to suit the planet. If we all took into consideration the impact of just living our daily lives, we’d realise that there are ways to reduce it significantly.

A few simple switches here and there are all it takes to have a positive effect on the planet!

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