As we head into 2021, it’s fair to say that we’re a little…apprehensive about what curveballs the year will throw at us when it comes to our businesses. Will another round of lockdowns and tier changes affect our earnings? Will the government schemes continue to offer enough support? What exactly is Brexit going to look like, and how will that impact us and our relationships with companies in the EU?
While we’ve all got a little more comfortable with and confident doing is working from home, this last year has shown that it’s important to be as prepared as we can in every aspect of our professional lives. Just because you’ve got a new microphone for your work calls, doesn’t mean that there aren’t some IT hiccups heading your way…here are a few things to think about in the coming months.
You’re Going To Have To Pivot From Adapting To Learning
We all got very good at being flexible and responsive to challenges in 2020 but if you want your business to be wondering what the challenges in 2022 are going to be, you’re going to have to start making some big strides forward right now. Where that comes in from an IT standpoint is that you and your employees are going to have to stop figuring out work-arounds for all those tricky issues that you may have thought were temporary, and start really getting to grips with new software and new issues. It’s going to be the difference between continuing to get by and thriving.
The Demands On Remote IT Support Won’t Be Going Away
If there’s one thing that’s become clear over the last few weeks here in the UK, it’s that we’re all going to be working from home for a while longer yet. While there are many repercussions from that fact for business owners, it’s relevant here because it means that your IT team is going to be as overloaded with new and challenging issues as they’ve been for the last nine months or so. Keep that in mind when you’re thinking about where to spend your resources in the upcoming months, and consider hiring an expert team to add support. With over 20 years’ experience of giving superb IT support in Kent, Impreza IT is a great example of a company that can support, enable and protect your work and your employees in the challenging times ahead.
Privacy And Security Are Paramount
By now, you will no doubt have heard about the myriad ways in which cyber criminals have stepped up their game in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. But it’s not just about making sure that you’re not giving away your bank details over the phone to someone pretending to be your insurer. If you’re managing a team remotely, you need to make sure that each and every one of your employees has the best in protection and security software, that they are trained, and understand how to maintain it and what’s at stake if they don’t. This is an area where you cannot afford any slip-ups.